Have you ever pilfered booze from your parents’ friends? Ryan did just that. Having a mother who adored wine and a father who loved beer made alcohol a common aspect of his upbringing. By the time he reached his teenage years, Ryan’s drinking habits spiraled out of control. It became evident that trying to reduce his alcohol intake was futile. However, a glimmer of hope arrived from an unexpected source. Keep reading to discover what transformed Ryan’s life.
Commonplace and Everyday
During my childhood, alcohol was as integral to our home life as the furniture. My mother savored her wine, my father relished his beer, while I watched as my own tangled affair with alcohol began. In retrospect, it seems almost amusing how ordinary it all felt – as if enjoying a drink was as standard as sitting down for a meal.
The Harsh Reality of Trying to Cut Back
I was that eager kid who anticipated getting my hands on alcohol. You know the type – sneaking gulps from Dad’s beer when he wasn’t watching. By age 11 or 12, my friends and I had escalated to pilfering liquor from people’s home bars. Real classy stuff, right? Our older siblings would occasionally supply us with beer, convinced they were doing us a favor. Spoiler: they weren’t.
High school was where things intensified. Each weekend felt like a cliché teen movie, filled with all the expected drama – fights, reckless choices, and my infamous highlight: a DUI on Halloween. Nothing screams “smart choices” quite like spending Halloween in a jail cell. You might think that would be my turning point, but nope – cutting back on drinking was just starting to establish itself as my new reality.
The Failed Attempts at Moderation
Let me share my genius plans for managing my drinking. I was a champion of broken promises: “I’ll only drink on weekends” (lasted until Tuesday), “No booze before 5 PM” (hey, 4:59!), and my personal favorite, “No more than 4 drinks a day” (who’s counting after number 5 anyway?). With each unsuccessful moderation attempt, the truth that cutting back on drinking wasn’t working became increasingly undeniable.
Then, something surprising occurred. I found myself on a Caribbean cruise, holding a copy of “This Naked Mind.” What a twist – surrounded by endless booze and poolside cocktails, and there I was, engrossed in a sobriety book. But here’s the catch: I couldn’t stop reading. For the first time in a long while, it felt like I had uncovered a monumental secret. I may have appeared quite odd, smiling widely while everyone else indulged in their drinks.
Start Reading
Is cutting back on drinking not working out for you as well? Begin reading the transforming book that made a difference for Ryan for free RIGHT NOW!
Discovering Liberation Beyond Alcohol
Now, here’s where the story takes a turn. Nowadays, my bond with alcohol is straightforward – there isn’t one. Honestly, it feels like I’ve tapped into a superpower I was unaware of. I’m learning how to handle my feelings without reaching for a drink, which is equally exhilarating and daunting. Embracing discomfort instead of rushing to numb it? That’s something I can achieve now.

If I had the chance to talk to my younger self, I would say: “You’re alright, kid. Ease up on yourself. You’re doing your best with what you have.” But in truth, I needed to experience all of it – the unsuccessful moderation attempts, the embarrassing incidents, and yes, even that Halloween in jail – to arrive at the place I am today.
The liberation I’ve discovered isn’t solely about abstaining from alcohol. It’s about uncovering my identity without needing alcohol as a support. Not every day is flawless, but it feels authentic. And authentic, as it turns out, is way more fulfilling than being numb. Who would have thought facing life directly could be more exhilarating than chasing a buzz for all those years?
To anyone out there struggling with cutting back on drinking – I see you. I was in your shoes. And believe me, there’s optimism on the other side of that last “just one drink.” Often, the most valuable things in life arise from releasing what we believed we couldn’t survive without.
Share Your Experience
Did your journey of cutting back on drinking change thanks to our books, the app, the podcasts, or any other program at This Naked Mind? We invite you to share your journey here and motivate others on their path!