Soberversaries can be quite peculiar, especially when you’re new to sobriety. I recall anticipating them only to feel strangely disappointed when they didn’t turn out to be extraordinary. There was always that moment of clarity that reminded me it was just another sober day in the ongoing journey of sobriety, and celebrations aren’t the grand (and boozy) occasions they used to be.
Let’s be honest – in my past, any celebration meant champagne. It felt like the addition of bubbles made it more festive somehow. Sure, bubbles do add a festive touch, but you understand what I mean… celebrations were merely a reason for me to indulge more than usual.
However, as time has passed and I’ve embraced my sober lifestyle, I’ve learned to appreciate the quieter and more subtle feelings. Now, I find joy in Soberversaries for their genuine essence. They don’t represent forced moments of happiness fueled by alcohol. Instead, they are real and meaningful, which is far more enriching… and I value all that they offer.
They allow me to look back on how much I’ve achieved.
They remind me how grateful I am to have moved on from my disconnected, alcohol-fueled life.
They fill my day with quiet pride and happiness.
They give me a reason to indulge in small, special treats.
They offer me a chance to share my success on social media, which hopefully inspires somebody else.
And they present me with a beautiful new number to celebrate. I truly enjoy watching that number rise.
SIX! What a fantastic number of sober years! I love seeing it grow. I look forward to reaching 10, 15… even 20 years!!!!!! Being in long-term recovery is a wonderful gift that keeps on bringing joy.
I’m not saying it’s always fun and simple – far from it. But the journey of sobriety is immensely fulfilling, especially because it often requires hard work.
And we all know that hard work is part of life, and I’m absolutely ready to embrace the challenges that come with living authentically every single day.
Much love, Mrs D xxx