Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could carry the warmth and security of our home with us – like we’re lounging on the sofa – regardless of our location or activities? Have you ever considered this? Let’s delve into it.
Ultimately, how can I bring the comfort and safety of home along with me – and use it to soothe myself – if it doesn’t resonate?
Home, no matter how modest, is irreplaceable.
In light of this article, home embodies where the heart truly resides.
Looking back 50 years to the start of my journey with emotional and mental illness, I was completely lost.
I felt secure and at ease within my home, but the instant I stepped outside, panic and anxiety would engulf me.
It didn’t take me long to connect the dots. Yet, that didn’t mean I found relief.
Thus, I decided to cling to reason, thinking that the frazzled version of me was the outlier, while the calm, safe one at home was the standard.
The goal became finding a way to bring that comfort and safety from home with me when I ventured outside.
“There’s truly no place like home”
The phrase “There’s no place like home.” is often linked to the 1823 tune “Home, Sweet Home,” composed by John Payne and Sir Henry Bishop.
What a lovely start…
‘Amid pleasures and palaces
Though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble,
There’s no place like home.
In fact, this saying was already popular in England long before the song came out. For instance, in the September 1781 issue of the English newspaper The Bath Chronicle…
But remember this maxim –
No place like Home
For safety will you find.
A bit of history is always enriching, right?
Does it give you a “warm fuzzy?”
How can I carry the soothing sensation of home with me – and find calm – if it lacks significance?
Now it’s your moment
The mobile “home”
What about you? Can you relate to this idea of “There’s no place like home?” Can you envision feeling the warmth and security of “home” wherever you go or whatever you do? How might this influence your emotional and mental well-being?
Recognizing the strength of this concept is the first step. Following that, you should apply it, which requires self-reflection, understanding troubling patterns of thought and belief – and much practice.
Understanding Ourselves
Having been in this situation years ago, I resonated with this poem. You might find it significant too…
After all,
What can we be but ourselves
When everything is stripped away
Leaving only our true selves
Bare to the core
Laid open to everything
There’s no more hiding
No refuge from the chaos
No support structure
No distractions to obscure the truth
Only a direct look inward
With a timid blink
But in uncertain times
Unsteady legs gain firmness
With steadfastness and blind determination
Amongst the ruins
We discover our true selves
And become complete
In a rare opportunity
Learn to turn inward
“There’s truly no place like home.” This idiom – this notion – offers endless feelings of comfort and safety when we step outside. That is, if we’re willing to accept and nurture it.
Are you navigating through a world you perceive as risky? If that’s the case, conquering your fears is likely essential. Learn to turn within for your toolkit for coping. What could be a more enduring source of comfort and safety?
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After his long, challenging battle with panic, generalized anxiety, fluctuating emotions, and alcohol dependence, Bill discovered his true passion in life – helping others facing similar challenges. At 49, he returned to graduate school, earned his counseling credentials, and continues this mission through Chipur and various other endeavors.